
2002-12-19......2:15 a.m.......
the lady speaks

i know how it feels to be careless, and trite as well. it's been a long day so far. so far i still see what i do not want to see. so far, i havent single-handedly solved all of the problems of myself and the world. i have not righted all wrongs with kindness and patience. i have forgotten to keep my voice when i should have, and i have raised it when i shouldnt have.

i am not the gentle picture of what womanliness should be, even though i stick to sweaters and the ever classic color schemes of black, grey, and white. grace is still something i have only a little of, and elegance is even further from me. i have yet to wax eloquent when talking to the eloquent, and my words often stumble and fall out of place.

and i am okay with that. i doubt that i will ever be able to grace some staircase with a movie star entrance, or smile and humbly blush when a stranger asks my name. i am still a headstrong girl- i suppose to some of you who know me, i didnt need to tell you that. i am loud and sometimes rude. but i am not hurtful, nor am i deceitful. i am not a lady yet, but at least i am willing to admit it.


...and all sing in harmony, i am ok...

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