
2002-11-04......11:28 p.m.......
little souding

i am lonely lately. if you have ever read a word in this diary, you might have already gathered that fact. so, in admittance of this and in hopes of nepenthe, i ask this:

i dont care if you are a stranger or my oldest and dearest friend.. if you are reading this, could you maybe just send me an email? although i generally try to avoid sounding pathetic, i dont know, a girl just needs a kind word every-so-often. something to keep the sad days at bay. a simple hello, or comment on the weather might just be the sweetness that i ache for right now.

with that said, and the patheticism revealed. blessings to all. may your nights be starry and clear, and may your voice be heard when it is needed, and quiet when it is not.

[email protected]


...and all sing in harmony, i am ok...

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