
2004-05-13......10:51 p.m.......
living for two

i love you i love you pours out your mouth as alchohol and cigarette smoke pours in. and you're leaving me, piece by offered piece, behind. id run after, like i could months ago, but my swollen knees shorten my steps. bruised from scrubbing the floors of the rich and demanding. but i'll pay the bills if it kills me, honey. i'll sacrifice money to save my good name. and there's joy in a job so well done. so well done as you lay still in the folds of your bed, your blood so full of the chemicals that run like rivers of red blood through your heart and your lungs. they corode them. like the salt in my eyes does corode them. but im the strength, and i have to be, im now living for two. for me and for you and it's killing us.


...and all sing in harmony, i am ok...

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